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Canon EOS Rebel T8i - Cuerpo

Canon EOS Rebel T8i Body
Código: 3707 | Garantía:12 meses | PB:kg. 1.00

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Canon EOS Rebel T8i  - Cuerpo

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  • Cámaras Fotográficas | Canon EOS Rebel T8i - Cuerpo | Ekipos | Celulares: 72044155 60587770

    Canon EOS Rebel T8i Body

    Código: 3707

    Nombre del modelo Canon Cuerpo EOS Rebel T8i
    Marca Canon
    Factor de forma DSLR
    Nivel de habilidad Professional
    Características especiales Procesador de imagen DIGIC 8; flash integrado; 45 puntos de detección de fase de tipo cruzado AF
    Color Negro
    Nivel de calidad JPEG Fino, Básico, Normal
    Ajuste de balance de blancos Auto
    Tipo de lente Zoom
    Velocidad de disparo continuo 7 fps
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    Sobre este artículo

    Visor óptico con un sistema AF de 45 puntos todo tipo cruzado con detección facial.
    Alta calidad de imagen con sensor CMOS de 24.1 megapíxeles (APS-C).
    Disparo continuo de alta velocidad de hasta 7.0 fps.
    4K 24p junto con video vertical.
    Convierte tu videocámara VIXIA en una cámara web de alta calidad con su salida HDMI limpia.


  • Type
    Digital AF/AE single-lens reflex camera

    Recording Media
    SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards

    SD speed class-compatible
    UHS-I compatible
    High-speed writing is supported when a UHS-I compatible SD card is used
    Eye-Fi card is not supported
    Multimedia cards (MMC) cannot be used (card error will be displayed)

    Image Format
    Approx. 22.3 x 14.9mm (APS-C Size)

    Compatible Lenses
    Canon EF lenses (including EF-S lenses, excluding EF-M lenses)

    Lens Mount
    Canon EF mount
    Back to TopImage Sensor

    CMOS sensor (supporting Dual Pixel CMOS AF)

    Effective pixels: Approx. 24.1* Megapixels

    Total pixels: Approx. 25.8* Megapixels

    * Rounded to the nearest 100,000.

    Pixel Unit
    Approx. 3.72µm square

    Aspect Ratio
    3:2 (Horizontal:Vertical)

    Color Filter System
    RGB primary color filters

    Low Pass Filter
    Installed in front of the image sensor, non-detachable

    Dust Deletion Feature
    (1) Self Cleaning Sensor Unit

    Removes dust adhering to the low-pass filter.
    Self-cleaning activated automatically (in-progress display for approx. 2 sec.) when power is turned on or off. Manual operation also possible (in-progress display for approx. 8 sec.).
    After the cleaning is performed, the camera will automatically restart (power OFF to ON).

    (2) Dust Delete Data acquisition and appending

    The coordinates of the dust adhering to the low-pass filter are detected by a test shot and appended to subsequent images.
    The dust coordinate data appended to the image is used by the compatible versions of Canons Digital Photo Professional software to automatically erase the dust spots.

    (3) Manual cleaning

    Back to TopRecording System

    Recording Format
    Compliant to Design rule for Camera File system 2.0 and EXIF 2.31

    File Size
    3:2 Aspect Ratio

    Large: 24 Megapixels (6000 x 4000)

    Medium: Approx. 10.6 Megapixels (3984 x 2656)

    Small 1: Approx. 5.9 Megapixels (2976 x 1984)

    Small 2: Approx. 3.8 Megapixels (2400 x 1600)

    RAW / C-RAW: Approx. 24 Megapixels (6000 x 4000)

    4:3 Aspect Ratio

    Large: Approx. 21.3 Megapixels (5328 x 4000)

    Medium: Approx. 9.5 Megapixels (3552 x 2664)

    Small 1: Approx. 5.3 Megapixels (2656 x 1992)

    Small 2: Approx. 3.4 Megapixels (2112 x 1600)

    RAW / C-RAW: Approx. 24 Megapixels (6000 x 4000)

    16:9 Aspect Ratio

    Large: Approx. 20.2 Megapixels (6000 x 3368)

    Medium: Approx. 8.9 Megapixels (3984 x 2240)

    Small 1: Approx. 5.0.Megapixels (2976 x 1680)

    Small 2: Approx. 3.2 Megapixels (2400 x 1344)

    RAW / C-RAW: Approx. 24 Megapixels (6000 x 4000)

    1:1 Aspect Ratio

    Large: Approx. 16 Megapixels (4000 x 4000)

    Medium: Approx. 7.1 Megapixels (2656 x 2656)

    Small 1: Approx. 3.9 Megapixels (1984 x 1984)

    Small 2: Approx. 2.6 Megapixels (1600 x 1600)

    RAW / C-RAW: Approx. 24 Megapixels (6000 x 4000)

    File Numbering
    The following three types of file numbering method can be set:
    (1) File numbering method
    Continuous numbering

    The numbering of captured images will continue even after you replace the cameras card.

    Auto reset

    When you replace the cameras card, the numbering will be reset to start from 0001. If the new card already contains images, the numbering will continue from the last recorded image in the card.

    (2) Manual reset

    Resets the file number to 0001, and creates a new folder automatically.

    RAW + JPEG Simultaneous Recording
    Simultaneous recording of RAW or C-RAW plus Large/Fine JPEG is supported.

    Color Space
    sRGB/Adobe RGB

    Picture Style
    (1) Auto

    (2) Standard

    (3) Portrait

    (4) Landscape

    (5) Fine Detail

    (6) Neutral

    (7) Faithful

    (8) Monochrome

    (9) User Def. 1â??3

    In Basic Zone modes, [Auto] will be set for and of the mode, and [Standard] will be set for other modes.
    In Creative Zone modes, you can select or set any Picture Style.
    [Auto] is the default setting for [User Def. 1â??3]. Any Picture Style can be selected, modified, and saved to any User-defined setting.

    Back to TopWhite Balance

    (1) Auto (Ambience priority/White priority)

    (2) Daylight

    (3) Shade

    (4) Cloudy*

    (5) Tungsten light

    (6) White fluorescent light

    (7) Flash

    (8) Custom (Custom WB)

    (9) Color temperature (K) (Manually adjustable between 2000 - 10000K)

    * Effective also in twilight and sunset.

    Auto White Balance
    Option between ambience priority and white priority settings

    Color Temperature Compensation
    Blue/amber bias: ±9 levels
    Magenta/green bias: ±9 levels
    • Corrected in reference to the current WB modeâ??s color temperature.
    Back to TopViewfinder

    Eye-level optical viewfinder (with fixed pentamirror)

    At approx. 19mm eye-point
    Vertical / Horizontal – approx. 95%
    (With 50mm f/1.8 STM lens; Large/Fine JPEG image, 3:2 aspect ratio)

    Approx. 0.82x/23.2° (with 50mm lens at infinity, -1m-1)

    Eye Point
    Approx. 19mm (at -1m-1 from the eyepiece lens center)

    Dioptric Adjustment Correction
    Adjustable from approx. -3.0 to +1.0m-1(dpt)

    Focusing Screen

    Quick-return all-surface half mirror

    Viewfinder Information
    Displayed with transparent liquid crystal

    (1) AF point information

    Including Area AF frame

    (2) Spot metering circle

    (3) Electronic level

    (4) Grid

    (5) Aspect line

    (6) Flicker detection

    Depth Of Field Preview
    Provided with depth of field preview button

  • Canon EOS Rebel T8i Body

    Canon EOS Rebel T8i Body

    Canon EOS Rebel T8i Body

    Canon EOS Rebel T8i Body

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